#30 Days of happiness – Day 13


Sit down grab a cup of coffee, tea or whatever puts your mind at ease. Now I’m about to sound like I’m Oprah and this is an episode of my favourite things……only and I hate to be the one to break it to you, at the end of this episode there will be no free cars but hopefully I can bring you a little bit of happiness. Sometimes in order to know what is happiness or how it makes us feel we need to experience the opposite of it. We know what day is because we experience night. We experience sadness so we know what it is to be happy.

Sometimes what we do when we’re feeling down can change our mood and before we know it we’re happy. Today was a perfect example of this, so I sat there and let myself feel horrible for a while. I put on one of my favourite chick flicks, Bride wars, and cried. Yes I admit it I cried. That is until I walked past the kitchen and spotted the red velvet cake mix I bought earlier. (Here’s one I prepared earlier…..I couldn’t resist).



One thing that has always made me happy is cooking. Baking, roasting, even sometimes frying….sshhh! don’t tell anyone. I love taking what are essentially separate ingredients and combining them to create something and be creative in the presentation process. It’s so exciting! I love making and creating things. This is probably one of the reasons why I enjoy blogging so much, I love creating a story or creating an interesting way to describe an event to people.

Today I decided to add my own twist and turn the mix into a cupcake batter instead. Today what made me happy was baking! (Just in case I didn’t make that clear).







Happy baking!




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